Tampa Pro 2000

The Tampa Contest has become one of the most popular contests on the Pro Circuit. Held at the Skatepark of Tampa and hosted by Brian Schaffer, the skatepark owner. Brian, being a skateboarder makes his contest a little more laid back than most of the major competitions held in big arena’s.

Tony Trujillo - Punk Style, C. DeAndrade -K.Grind
Tony Trujillo – Punk Style, C. DeAndrade -K.Grind

Hundred of spectators and competitors cram into the small warehouse to see some of the best skateboarding in the world. They stand in doorways, on top of ramps, on the course, or in the bleachers on top of the Pro Shop. It was difficult to get a clear unobstructed view of the course without blocking someone else’s view or being in the way of the pro’s trying to rip the street course.

The first two days consisted of the street Qualifiers. The field got chopped down to 16 from 65 each day. Those 32 advanced to the street finals on Sunday to compete for the money.

Chris Senn flew over the pyramid into this b.s. lipslide.
Chris Senn flew over the pyramid into this b.s. lipslide.

Excited and somewhat nervous I went to Tampa to compete for the first time as a pro. I flew in from Los Angeles on the red eye to find out I was supposed to skate that day with only roughly 2 hours of sleep on the plane. Exhausted, I retreat to the hotel for a short nap only to find I slept in past my heat. Luckily, I was able to talk them into putting me into the first heat the next day. Unfortunately I sprained my ankle right after squaring everything off.

Chad Muska's Moat races.
Chad Muska’s Moat races.

Chad Muska showed up, not to skate, but to toss product and hold a little contest of his own. : THE MOAT RACES. I can’t believe how much power a skateboard superstar such as Muska has over the little skate rats. He had them run under the bridge through the muddy black slime filled ditch, which divided the park from the street, down to another bridge and back to win a free board. It’s funny to watch kids ruin their shoes and wrestle in the muck for boards, wheels, or shirts that are already stained from the muck.

Gershon Mosely -maximum tweak lein grab.
Gershon Mosely -maximum tweak lien grab.

Back to the contest inside! the level of skateboarding now is so high and the styles of skating have never in the past been so diverse. I can’t get over that there is always almost 130 pro street skaters and about 30 vert skateboarders tops. Just think, if you enter the vert you automatically make the top 30 whereas in street making the top 30 is an accomplishment. The thing is the top 10 or 15 vert skaters are just so much better than everyone else, but there are literally hundreds of extremely good street skaters in the world.

I always look forward to contests, but often being there for 3 days skating and filming in a building packed full of people and noise, I can’t help but feel a little burnt out by the last day. But, I had a great time and can’t wait until the next one.

Andrew Furlong - definitely showing that he deserved a 3 placing.
Andrew Furlong – definitely showing that he deserved a 3 placing.

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