Feature Article

Concrete Disciples’ Skatepark Blitz IV

Fontana, Upland, Monrovia, and Duarte. Concrete skateparks rule and skating with more than 30 Disciples at 4 killer parks makes for a good time.

Bam Bam’s Gallery

Skatepark Blitz 4 - Bam Bam Gallery
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Jeff Greenwood’s Gallery

Skatepark Blitz 4 - Jeff Greenwood (J.ed) Gallery
Search Galleries
Rene Morales - Walrus getting ice cream
Rene Morales - Walrus getting ice cream
Rene Morales - Walrus getting ice cream
Rene Morales - Walrus
Rene Morales - Walrus
Rene Morales - Walrus
fontana mattb
fontana mattb
fontana mattb
fontana les
fontana les
Les Bond
fontana jacob
fontana jacob
Jacob Kessenich
Freddie DeSoto Frontside Rock and Roll
Freddie DeSoto Frontside Rock and Roll
Freddie DeSoto Frontside Rock and Roll
fontana barefooter
fontana barefooter
fontana barefooter
Papa Smurf
Papa Smurf
Papa Smurf melon mashed it
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
duarte smithgrind
duarte smithgrind
duarte smithgrind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash grind
Eric Nash
Eric Nash
Eric Nash
Steve Alba
Steve Alba
Steve Alba
upland shallowend crowd
upland shallowend crowd
upland shallow end crowd
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We’re talking good times when these Blitz’s get rolling. I show up to Fontana a bit late and there is a very large posse already shredding the bowl to bits. It’s fucking ridiculous! Try getting in a few runs when 30 hungry bowl hogs are scopin the place out trying to snake each other. I’m pretty impressed that everyone remains cool to the fact and manages to have a great time letting everyone get in their turns. I had to dive back into the back bowls to get warmed up. Even more cars were pulling up to join in the Fontana session as we were winding it down.

Freddie Desoto Frontside Rock

Bag O’doughnuts wanted to win that Sacrifice Deck for his girl Biscuits and he managed overcome the old age factor and win the longest grind contest with a smith grind. Nice work Billy! Me and you gotta work on landing those airs. Sometime just before the grind contest Barfly pulled out the name tags. It may be a little corny, but it’s a little easier to get to know who your talking to half the time. Nice graphical touch too.
Freddie DeSoto was working the sick frontside rocks in the deepend. I have to mention that there were several guys ripping hard over 40 years old. Check out the frontside airs Bond was throwing down in his photo.

1st stop is running late as too much fun is being had. We finally get the masses to begin the migration to Upland. The shallow end was packed with Disciples gearing up for battle with the big pipe. It was definitely rad. Warm ups were already in effect. Eric Nash joined the posse from here and Salba made an appearance with his kids. Before ten minutes were up my ankle gave out, then a little later Salba took a hefty slam, and many others waited on the sidelines because this one will get you good if your not ready. Somehow Rockin Ron managed to skate the whole fucking day (After a 9 month layoff) and was fine. The time at hand called for the pipe-pasting contest to begin and it was real quick that Raunchy Roy set up a nice high backside sticker. Although many tried they just weren’t getting there and us onlookers thought it was over until Capfiene stepped into the pipe and clear everybody by several inches. It was sick! No way was anyone going to beat that. The focus shifted to frontside pasting and Dales (without the long hair or ‘sky high’) shirt was still able to win for highest frontside. They both won a Punk Rock Skateboards Deck of their choice. Money!

Over to Monrovia’s skatepark we went after Upland. Ben Schroeder was in effect and he tears up the place. The look on every ones faces when he skates is classic. Matt B and Dales finally tear around the bowl together and Nash goes about his speed runs in an ultra smooth style. The park virgins are all looking at this crazy whoopty-do bowl and scratching their heads. While they were figuring it out non stop sessioning continued all around them.

Duarte’s got a brand new park and it has a smooth bowl with some weird lines. By now the PBR’s were calling me and since I couldn’t skate anyway’s…I had another beer and got going with my heckling (not that I’m much of a heckler). Duarte was a blur for me. Old Fucker smacked his helmet into a couple pieces with a gnarly head smacker in the bowl. CONCUSSION!!! Crazy George and Schroeder were annihilating the street course. MattB was strutting all his Midwest mini-ramp tricks he was holding back on us. Nate was working up a sweat too. There’s just too many of you all to remember. At this point and I wanna wrap up this article.

As night fell on us we decided to cut off the last stop at Skatelab. Most of the troopers had already had to cut the day short. And those who remained looked a little haggard and tired. No one offered any opposition so I cancelled the Skatelab stop. Unfortunately we didn’t quite get a hold of everybody via cell to let them know. I know of a few disciples that capped off the night with the Skatelab bowl all to themselves for an hour. It’s been decided we are going to finish the blitz up at a later date.

Peace – Out.
