THE OPENING of “Skate It, or Hang It!?
The day broke down into three key components. Midmorning had throngs of Atlanta skaters congregating around the historic Fox Theater in anticipation of skating down Peachtree Street with the full cooperation of the city. 11am chimed and the swarm took off with a bang and carved, pushed, and manualed the 15 blocks to the Museum of Design ATLANTA. It was refreshing to see Atlanta legends Jeremiah Babb, Stormy Pruett, and Grant Taylor come out to support and participate in the the event… Adopted Atlanean, Justin Brock was on hand as well. Steve Olson and Lance Mountain were spotted checking out the action along the “parade” route!
The Evolution of Skateboard Art at Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA)”
Upon arriving at the museum, the Pizza Ramps crew was hastily assembling a street course for the 5boro demo. Willy Akers, Joe Tookmanian, Danny Falla, Jimmy McDonald, Jordan Trahan along with Steve Rodriguez, Tombo Colabraro, & Mark Nardelli flew in earlier in the week for the demo. Locals Justin Brock, Graham Bickerstaff, Jeremiah Babb, Grant Taylor, and a handful of others joined in for the hour long demonstration.
As the ramps were flipped over at 1pm precisely, the crowds moved inside to take in the exhibition and meet the artists. The show focuses on Powell’s VCJ, NHS’s Jim Phillips, & Wes Humpston along with Sean Cliver, Andy Howell, Lance Mountain, Michael Sieben, and Steve Olson. These last five gents were on hand during the opening. 148 classic boards hang in one of the main galleries. Atlanta-based artists influenced by skateboard art, Alex Brewer aka HENSE and Charlie Owens have original installations at the show. Local artist Todd Vaught curated this monumental exhibit. The shows is up til September 16th and is worth a visit!
kevin marks