
Minnesota Field Report: The Cuckoo’s Nest

(part 1 of many)

Cuckoo's Nest photo by Dan Huseby
Cuckoo’s Nest photo by Dan Huseby

As a resident of Minnesota, I can tell you that 7 months out of the year remain cold and blustery due to the elements.

In the land of pay to sk8 skateparks a lot of private spots are kept private for a variety of reasons. No random children running amuck while parents play on their phones, daycare atmospheres, kooks, or just simply too many skaters cramming into spaces and being forced to ride with people they don’t care to be around. It can definitely be a variety of reasons.

Cuckoo's Nest BJ Morill sweeper - photo by Dan Huseby
Cuckoo’s Nest BJ Morill sweeper – photo by Dan Huseby

The earliest example I could find of private spots in Minnesota was a private spot called PISS. I think the garages behind the Alternative Bike and Board in Minneapolis on 24th was the start. Circa 1985-1986. Then it moved to Washington street after that.

There was also a private ramp in a helicopter hanger in Duluth around ’87 from what Nate Sheggaby (North Country Skateshop Owner) has described. Private spots never last forever. When one door shuts another will open. Build, skate, destroy, repeat.

Cuckoo's Nest BJ Morill fs hurricane - photo by Dan Huseby
Cuckoo’s Nest BJ Morill fs hurricane – photo by Dan Huseby

So get it while you can!

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