
Outsiders Profile – American Nomad Skateboards

American Nomad logo
American Nomad logo

Skate Company Profile:
American Nomad Skateboards

When was your company established?
January 2004

Who is the owner of your company?
Bill Danforth and myself (Jay Kelly)

How come you started this company?
To build the stuff that we like to skate.

Where is your company based out of?
Our company is home based.

How has your company changed since it was started?
Well, being a small company changes come slow. We have added Fred Smith to our group, hosted the 1st annual American Nomad pool shoot out in Grand Rapids Mi. and have a handfull of new decks in the works.

What products are you offering?
Just boards right now, tee shirts and stickers coming soon.

Team Riders: Bill Danforth and Jay Kelly
Team Riders: Bill Danforth and Jay Kelly

Who are your team riders?
The team is just starting to come together, it really hasn’t been top priority so its pretty much Bill Danforth, Fred, and myself.

How tough is it to get recognition for your company?
It really hasn’t been to hard. We are not trying to get rich of the industry, just stay afloat and offer a quality deck made in the USA.

What are your companies hopes for the future?
To keep a good following of friends and customers.

American Nomad Deck
American Nomad Deck

Is there any kind of motto your company is based off of?
Not really, just have a good time.

To Contact American Nomad Skates for more information please help yourself to their website and contact info:
Jay Kelly
email: info(at)

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