
Outsiders Profile – Bacon Skateboards

Skate Company Profile: Bacon Skateboards

Bacon Skateboards

When was your company established?
Bacon Skateboards was established sometime in 2000, but we pussyfooted around for at least a year before we got much accomplished.

Who is the owner of your company?
Bacon belongs to Colin Sharp, Orr Menard and myself (Ethan Bettencourt).

Ethan Bettencourt of Bacon
Ethan Bettencourt of Bacon

How come you started this company?
It was a way for a group of us to get our hands on skateboards for cheap and perhaps allow us a job that involved skating. We were hesitant to commit at first, but as we saw how things were going we all got more interested and motivated.

Where is your company based out of?
Bacon is based out of my house in Cayucos CA. as well as Colin’s home up in the bay area. Closet space has become a serious issue.

How has your company changed since it was started?
We have allowed Colin to attach computers to our persons so that we are in constant contact (e-mail with the blink of the eye). We have become much more organized and productive. Orr pumps out all sorts of crazy graphics that we have learned not to over think, just produce. I don’t know how he comes up with the images, but it’s amazing.

What products are you offering?
Bacon puts out Decks (8″ and larger boards seem to be very popular), T-shirts, Hats and Sweatshirts.

Team Rider: Steve Roetter
Team Rider: Steve Roetter

Who are your team riders?
Ryan Spaulding, Steve Roetter, Jeremy Boardagary, Joel Duganne, Maverick Wakefield, Tony Stuart, Grumpy Chris, Little Nate, Vince from Paso, Matt Wilson, Petaluma Paul, Shane Marriot and Joey Prato.

How tough is it to get recognition for your company?
Bacon has had a lot of luck with recognition on a small scale. Slap, Big Brother, Concussion and Concrete Disciples have all given us favorable product reviews. Orr’s images have a strong impact and that also gets us attention as well. It seems like there are more and more eyes looking our way. The longer that a company is around the more they are heard of, skaters pay attention and notice new things. Everyone likes new stuff.

What are your companies hopes for the future?
This sounds like it should be the next topic for our quarterly meeting of Bacon’s corporate big wigs. Bacon is going to grow the way that it has, you’ll see more and more of us. We hope to send our team to more events maybe even take an airplane somewhere. I would really like to skate more and computer guy less, that’s a goal.

Bacon Deck Graphic
Bacon Deck Graphic

Is there any kind of motto your company is based off of?
Bacon is our motto. So good to eat, to smell, we all love bacon. My veggies friends would kill to make tofu taste like bacon. It’s like skateboarding, so good and at the same time it may eventually kill you. Those of us truly living will eat it and accept the consequences.

To Contact Bacon Skateboard for more information please help yourself to their website and contact info:
email: info(at)

Bacon Skateboards Product in our store!

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