Product Reviews

Slipping – DVD review

This DVD is a really beautifully crafted tale of how skateboarding was brought into the Egyptian culture by Skate Impact, an Egyptian (Primarily Online) skateshop. Please watch it! It will humble you and give you a jolt of remorse for taking for granted what we have got in the USA.

Slipping - DVD Egypt Skateboarding
Slipping – DVD Egypt Skateboarding

It took me back to the times in the early 80’s when I started riding and started feeling like the outcast. These early skaters in Egypt had it even worse. We could be outcasts in the USA, but they were outcasts without even a trace amount of concrete to ride and no way to get any product. They suffered through it and created their own burgening scene from top to bottom. In the DVD you’ll meet the founders of Skate Impact and the early pioneers of skateboarding in Egypt, recalling how they struggled to pursue skateboarding at all costs. Cairo Foster is also featured telling how his skateboarding career has been touch by Egypt. It’s really powerful and really good to watch.

Congratulations to Brett Wiese for crafting such a beautiful DVD, mixing in a lot of culture, skateboarding and hope.

More info:

Slipping on (You might be able to order a copy here)

Skate Impact Skateshop