Sanford Buster's - Yuma AZ

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Sanford Buster's - Yuma AZ

General Information

Skatepark Name
Sanford Busters
  • no
Opening Date
August 20, 1977
Open / Closed
  • Closed
Extra Info
Date is "reopening day" after shutdown for vandalism in pool


2542, South 4th Avenue, Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona, 85364, United States
Postal Code


  • Private

A little-known park on the property of an old motel

Sanford Buster's was a park that used the old Buena Vista motel pool as its main feature.

This motel was built by two Canadian expats in the early 70's, the motel was sold it to a couple of senior citizens  --Bobby Davis and her husband Bill-- as a package deal in November 1975.  Bobby teamed up with Skipper Byram to open a craft store called The Treasure Chest in the offices of the hotel in 76. The 8 rooms were converted to rental units

One unit was rented to a dental research laboratory called R and R dental labs from Phoenix, then two Texas-based dentists set up a “no appointment” dental clinic there called Yuma Dental Center.  In 1977 they told the local paper that they were “looking for the best use of the former apartments in the Buena Vista Motel.”

May 1977 is when Yuman Sanford Buster received permits to set up a skatepark in the location.

Not much else is known about this park presently, other than the fact that it opened in the summer of 1977, suffered a break-in in August 77, was vandalized with "obscene graffiti," closed in February 1978, then reopened in April 2, 1978.


Sanford Buster's - Yuma AZ


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