Review Detail

3.0 1
Czech Republic S skateparks 911
Overall rating
Street Rating
Tranny Rating
Overall Rating
There are a main and mini street course, neither have much to mention and many of the obstacles have poor lines to hit them. The transition is the main feature at the park with a clover/amoeba bowl with a bank Rollin at the shallow end along with a mini ramp-esque shallow portion and steep pump bumps in the middle. The other bowl, an L bowl, has cracks in some sections but does have a beat-up yet fun vert extension. There is also a mini ramp with different sized sides. The main issue with the transition is that, like a lot of older European parks, it is incredibly mellow. This may be appealing to some however I found it made it more difficult to build and maintain speed particularly in conjunction with the aforementioned cracks. All in all this is a fun park if you skate tranny and are passing through Prague.
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